A Landmark Opportunity

Join the grassroots effort to redefine the skyline of Hampton Roads with a landmark that will endure for generations.

Photo credit: Aerophoto America


A symbol to connect us all

Imagine a bridge that not only connects the municipalities of Hampton Roads, but also welcomes the world with its remarkable design. Picture a structure that blends engineering excellence with creative brilliance, showcasing the talent of our region. That's the vision driving our project.

The HRBT Regional Landmark Initiative is an ambitious endeavor to redefine our skyline and transform the stories we share about our region. Our mission? To celebrate the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel (HRBT) as an icon and a monument that will put our region on the map.

But this endeavor is about more than just aesthetics. It's about creating a Great American Bridge like many landmark bridges before it, celebrating our regional commitment to prosperity, connectivity, and culture. By reimagining the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel, we're not just building infrastructure; we're playing a collaborative role in shaping the identity of our region.


Whether in tourism photos, album covers, sports jerseys, or movies, few icons brand a place like a signature bridge.


New York

Bay Area


The ROI of a landmark bridge

A signature bridge fosters artistic expression while symbolizing innovation, which in turn inspires residents, draws in visitors, and contributes to the overall vibrancy and desirability of a place.

A striking landmark grows the economy of a region by serving as an emblem of identity and pride, attracting tourism, creating jobs, and enhancing livability through creative placemaking. This translates to:


Higher real estate values


Boost in tourism revenue


Increase in new business formation


Increase in job creation

A bridge to the future, powered by renewable energy

Like most bridges, the HRBT is exposed to several sources of renewable energy including solar, wind, water, and vibrations. This presents a unique opportunity to power bridge operations almost entirely from clean sources, and possibly offset energy used by the motor vehicles traveling over the bridge.

Designing the HRBT art elements to use renewable energy represents a transformative approach to infrastructure development, with far-reaching implications for sustainability, resilience, and technological innovation. This aligns with global efforts to transition to sustainable energy systems.

Will this create more traffic or cost taxpayers more money?

We recognize that the ongoing HRBT expansion is a necessary challenge for our region, essential for widening the lanes and ensuring the safe, efficient flow of traffic. That’s why we have established two non-negotiable goals for the HRBT Regional Landmark Initiative. Our commitment is to deliver a design that is both beautiful and inspiring, while strictly adhering to ambitious constraints.

To impose no additional burden on taxpayers or commuters

To not impact the current timeline for the HRBT expansion project


The HRBT is more than just an infrastructure marvel; it’s a gateway that enables critical connections across the region, fueling economic growth, expanding industry, and fostering collaboration. It supports global trade and enhances the unique capabilities of our nation's military operations. These attributes position the HRBT as a landmark worthy of celebration alongside other great national bridges, symbolizing the strength and unity of our region.

The HRBT is your gateway to…

The Oceanfront


American History


Colonial Williamsburg




The World


Global Trade


The Oceanfront · American History · Colonial Williamsburg · Opportunity · The World · Global Trade ·

Fort Monroe


New friends


The Chrysler Museum


Something new


Fort Monroe · New friends · The Chrysler Museum · Something new ·

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The HRBT Regional Landmark Initiative is a collaborative effort driven by engaged citizens, regional business leaders, arts and cultural organizations, urban designers, architects, and the creative community.